How to sleep well at night? Many people think that sleep problems are inevitable. However, it is often enough to follow a few simple rules in order to get a good night's sleep and relive the pleasure of the night. In this article, you'll find some practical advice on how to sleep well at night.
Avoid sports before sleeping
Practicing a sport activity is essential for health, but sometimes, when it comes to sleep, it is better to program it. Indeed, sport is well known for its ability to increase blood pressure and heart rate. This can be disruptive to your body, which is already preparing to rest for the night. Moreover, sport also increases the body temperature and keeps the body awake. However, it is therefore important to take into consideration the time of your sport as exercising before bedtime can affect the length of your sleep. It is often recommended to do your sports exercise 3 or 4 hours before going to sleep. In this way, your blood pressure and heart rate will find a normal rhythm so that you can sleep well. You can also take a warm bath to quickly regulate your body temperature.
No theine and caffeine
Drinking a hot drink before going to bed is a habit for most of us. Of course, this routine can also influence the quality of sleep if it is not taken into account. You should avoid drinking teas, coffees and other hot beverages that can have a negative effect on your sleep. Caffeine can stimulate neurons and delay sleep. They are also often used to counter daytime drowsiness. Concerning teas, it is strongly advised to avoid teas that contain theine. The latter also has the same effect as caffeine on the body. Opt for teas that do not have exciting effects to help you sleep well at night.
Avoid screens
Whether artificial or natural light, it plays an important role on the brain. For example, it can influence body temperature, blood pressure and cognitive functions. Of course, screens are one of the most common factors in insomnia today. Furthermore, it has been proven by scientists that exposure to screens before sleeping disrupts sleep. Indeed, the blue light from the screens of your devices has stimulating effects, particularly for the receptors in your retina. It sends a signal to the brain by delaying sleep. Even the smallest light signals can also have an impact on your sleep. However, the screens of your cell phones and laptops are to be avoided if you want to get a good night's sleep.